Support for media production and technical questions

Who can I contact if I cannot access online university services?

The University Computer Center (URZ) and the Multimedia Center (MMZ) at the University of Jena can help you if you have any questions regarding technology and digital services realted to the university. The URZ can provide you with Office 365 and other software programs for your studies, entirely free of charge for students.

In addition, the URZ takes care of all matters concerning your personal account, which you use for Moodle, your university e-mail address, and Friedolin. If you have any problems logging in or have lost your password, your best option is to contact the URZ.

The university WiFi (Eduroam) and the university‘s VPN access, which allows you using all internal university services remotely, are also managed by the URZ. Computer labs and printers are available for students to use in the multimedia center (MMZ). If you have any questions or concern, you can easily file a ticket with the IT Service Center online.