Study and Examination Regulations

I failed the exam - what now?

In the Study and Examination Regulations you will find information about special cases that can occur. If you have more detailed questions about what is possible and what is not, you need to understand where exactly the rules for your studies are laid down. The recommended study plans offer a first orientation.

They are based on the Study and Examination Regulations, in which the binding rules for your studies are laid down, i.e. what is possible and what is not. The Examination Regulations provide the framework on the basis of which the study regulations determine what the objectives, content and structure of the studies are.

The module catalogues are in turn created on the basis of the Study Regulations. There, it is described what is taught in each module and there you will also find the recommended study plan for the degree programme.

On the cards below are a few examples where it is worth taking a look at the Study and Examination Regulations! You can find the regulations on the websites of your faculty and/or on Friedolin. If you have special questions, please contact your subject advisor. The information who is the advisor for your subject can be found in the description of the degree programs (link) (click on the degree program, on the respective page).