Unit 1 - Designing your presentation

Site: Moodle-Kursserver der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Course: Digital Learning Kit - self learning course for studying with digital tools
Book: Unit 1 - Designing your presentation
Printed by: Gast
Date: Thursday, 20 February 2025, 8:26 PM

List of contents

First steps when creating a presentation

How do I go about creating a presentation?


Tips for designing your slides

How do I design my slides?

When it comes to slide design, you can use the following tips.

1. Less is more

Be careful not to overload the slides. Short-term memory can only retain between 5 and 9 pieces of information, so fewer visual elements on the slide are more effective.

Here is an example: on the left is a slide that corresponds to our tips, on the right is a slide that still needs improvement. Move the slider to the right to see the comparison!

2. Make your slides easy to read!

The font should be uniform and easy to read. The contrast to the background should be high so that everything is clearly recognizable.

3. highlighting? Yes, but sparingly and uniformly!

The motto "less is more" also applies to highlighting: Decide on a type of highlighting (e.g. bold text) and use it sparingly! Below you will find another good example (left) and a slide that is more difficult for the listener to read (right). Move the slider to the right to have a comparison!

4. visualize, visualize, visualize!

Try to visualize as much information as possible.If you can find a graphic or picture that shows a fact, this is always preferable to a description.

For example, compare these two slides:

You can find more information about data visualization in the unit "data visualization"!

Tips for an interactive presentation

How do I prepare a stimulating presentation?

Transcription of slides

Data visualization

How do I visualize my data?

Here you will find a brief overview of data visualization. If you would like to take a closer look at the topic of data and how to handle it competently, you can complete the Data Literacy Jena certificate program, or smaller units of it, to acquire this important future skill.

Data verbalization

How do I verbalize my data?

Here you will find a brief overview of data verbalization and the presentation of data. If you would like to take a closer look at the topic of data and how to handle it competently, you can complete the Data Literacy Jena certificate program, or smaller units of it, to acquire this important future skill.




As it is one thing to get the tips and another to apply them, we have developed a reflection tool for the Digital Learning Kit that you can use regularly, preferably in exchange with fellow students.

On the Mahara platform as a tool for group work, you can find other students who are interested in similar topics and join together in groups.

On this personal learning environment you can find other students who are interested in similar topics and form groups. On Mahara there is an exchange group for the Digital Learning Kit, where you can get together and exchange information about the different modules.

You can find out what you need to consider when logging in to Mahara for the first time, how to join the group and what else you can do on Mahara in the "First steps on Mahara" guide. Log in with your URZ abbreviation and login, which is the same data you use for Friedolin.

The exchange group also provides reflection templates for documenting your work and slowly improve it through reflection. You can copy and edit these templates in your personal portfolio on Mahara. If you wish, you can share them with the other group members to exchange ideas.

Alternatively, you can answer the questions here - alone or with fellow students. Use the dialog cards below to do so!

Further resources