Unit 4: Help and support with financial issues

Site: Moodle-Kursserver der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Course: Digital Learning Kit - self learning course for studying with digital tools
Book: Unit 4: Help and support with financial issues
Printed by: Gast
Date: Sunday, 6 October 2024, 9:30 AM

List of contents

General Social Counseling

The General Social Counseling of the Student Services (Studierendenwerk) Thüringen is a consulting center for many different concerns, particularly financially related. That also includes questions and concerns about social issues such as financial support during pregnancy or impairment, among others.

More information: www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/general-social-counselling.html

BAföG for Foreigners

When it comes to the question of funding, the first thing that comes to mind is the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG).

Under certain conditions, foreigners can also receive BAföG. One of the main criteria are the applicant's citizeship status and/or residence status. In general, applicants who have had their residence in Germany for a long time and who are seeking to stay in the country long-term, might be eligible to receive BAföG.  In some cases, that requirement might be waived if an immediate family member such as a parent or spouse have been living in Germany for a long period of time. 

EU-citizens and citizens of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland or Norway are eligible for BAföG if they meet at least one of the following requirements:

  1. Legal residence in Germany for a minimum of five years.
  2. At least one immediate family member (parent, spouse) have had their permanent residence in Germany and have been employed or self-employed during that time.
  3. The applicante has already worked in Germany for at least six months in an area that is related to the one he/she is seeking a university degree in.

Citizens of all other countries must meet at least one of the following criteria in order to be eligible to apply for BAföG:

  1. The applicant is married to an EU-citizen who is planning in staying to stay in Germany for work and the applicant accompanies him/her. 
  2. One of the applicant's parents is a EU-citizen and wants to stay in Germany for work. This applies to applicants who are not older than 21 years old.  
  3. The applicant has a German permanent residence permit permit.
  4. The applicant is a refugee.
  5. The applicant is displaced (without a homeland).

For more information: www.xn--bafg-7qa.de/bafoeg/de/das-bafoeg-alle-infos-auf-einen-blick/wer-wird-gefoerdert.html


Scholarship programs aim to support individual students financially to promote young scientists.  

A variety of organizations and institutions award scholarships that may differ based on their professional orientation (general or specialized), selection procedure and their amount of funding.

Stipendien.Netzwerk Jena (in German only)

  • The scholarship network Jena is an association of active scholarship holders of different foundations in Jena. They offer a general overview of different scholarship options
  • Contact: stipendien.netzwerk.jena@gmail.com, Katharina Rapp

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (in English)

  • Database for different funding options 

Deutschlandstipendium (in English)

  • Scholarship program of the German Federal Government 
  • Promoting talented and dedicated students with a monthly scholarship of EUR 300  
  • Germany's largest organization for promoting talent

Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (in English)

  • Contact: hbsstips.jena@gmail.com, Katharina Rapp u. Maximilian Hagner

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (in English)

  • Contact: Daniela-Maria Mariș (daniela-maria.maris@kas.de), Dana Fiebig (dana.fiebig@kas.de)

Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (in German)

  • Contact: Tim Hebenstreit (tim.hebenstreit@uni-jena.de)

Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (in English)

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (in German)

Studienwerk der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (in English)