Unit 3: Help and support with personal concerns

Site: Moodle-Kursserver der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Course: Digital Learning Kit - self learning course for studying with digital tools
Book: Unit 3: Help and support with personal concerns
Printed by: Gast
Date: Sunday, 6 October 2024, 11:24 AM

List of contents

Psychosocial Counselling

If you feel overwhelmed with your studies, if a personal situation is stressing you out or if you suffer from exam nerves, you can contact the psychosocial counselling service of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen. This is available to all students at Thuringian universities. In various counselling formats, you can discuss your concerns with a neutral, unbiased person. After an initial meeting, you and your counsellor will decide how you would like to proceed. Even if you are not affected yourself, but are worried about a person in your family, circle of friends or close environment, you can turn to psychosocial counselling. Everything that is discussed in the counselling sessions is subject to professional secrecy and is treated confidentially.

Information and contact details: www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/psycho-social-counselling/

Illustration of a counselling session

Illustration of a counselling session. Image by storyset on Freepik

Family Office

At the Family Office (called “JUniFamilie”), you will find support for all questions regarding the compatibility of studies or work and family, such as questions about pregnancy, parental allowance, parental leave, caring for relatives, childcare, school and many other topics. The service is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, doctoral students, and researchers, among others. You can find information on the website of the Family Office and also schedule an appointment for personal counseling. 

For more information:


Mental health first aiders & CampusCouch

The Mental-Health-First-Aid-Team of the University of Jena offers confidential and uncomplicated first aid in case of mental distress and crises. Find all information and contact information as well as language proficiencies of the mental health first aiders here (in German): Mental Health First Aid.

For students who habe personal problems and need a sympathetic ear, students of the CampusCouch are also there for you! They study psychology and are happy to listen to you under the seal of trust. The talks can be held wherever you feel comfortable (on site, on a walk or via Zoom) and last about 60 minutes.

You can find all the information here: www.uni-jena.de/campuscouch
Note: The website is only available in German but the students of the CampusCouch can communicate with you in English.

Equal Opportunities Office

 If you have experienced discrimination or sexual harassment, have questions about the promotion of women in higher education or need advice on gender identity, you can contact the Equal Opportunities Office at the University of Jena. In addition to an overview of gender equality issues and facts, information and offers on this topic, you can also contact the Equal Opportunities Office during office hours with a specific, personal concern. You can also use an online form to anonymously report cases of gender-related discrimination and disadvantages to the Equal Opportunities Office. Upon request, the Equal Opportunities Office will then take action in this matter.

Information and contact details: www.uni-jena.de/en/gsb

Kreis aus bunten Figuren

Circle of colourful figures. Image by Pixabay

Legal Advice

With its legal advice service, the Studierendenwerk Thüringen offers a contact point for legal questions and problems. The advice is free of charge for students at Thuringian universities and is provided by independent lawyers. They cover a very broad legal spectrum, so you can turn to them with a wide variety of issues. No activities beyond counselling are provided.

Information and contact details: www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/legal-advice.html

Colourful paragraph signs against a blue background

Colourful paragraph signs against a blue background. Image by Pixabay

International Office

The International Office of the University of Jena is there to help you if you have come to Jena from abroad for an exchange or if you want to plan and realise your stay abroad. On the website of the international office you can find out about the various support services and funding opportunities! There is an intercultural café on a donation basis, various events, mentoring and counselling services and much more!

Information and contact details: www.uni-jena.de/en/international-office

Career Point

The Career Point is there for you if you need support in the transition from study to work. There you will get support in finding suitable positions, in applying for jobs and in the application process. Among other things, there are various training events on these topics, a job exchange and counselling appointments for personal feedback on your application documents.

Information and contact details: www.career.uni-jena.de/en/for-students

Watch this video to find out what Career Point has to offer you!