Unit 3 - Rest and relaxation

How to switch off

How do I deal with constant accessibility?

Constant accessibility has become an integral part of our lives. Not only do we use all kinds of mobile devices in our private lives, but our everyday working and studying lives are also dominated by digital devices. Many people feel increasingly stressed and under pressure in the digital world. The possibility of constant accessibility seems to go hand in hand with a general expectation of ourselves and others.

One reason why our "screen time" is increasing more and more, in addition to the "Fear of Missing Out" (FOMO), can also be a dependency. For example, consuming social media can lead to the release of the happiness hormone dopamine. As a result, we keep looking for that feeling of happiness and keep reaching for our smartphone.

A digital detox can help you break free from this dependence. Here are 10 tips for your digital detox:

Note that a dependency can also become an addiction. Then it can help to seek professional help.