Unit 5 - Group work
Organizing group work
can I structure my group work?
The Friedrich Schiller University Jena Cloud deck is a great way to organize your work in a virtual Kanban. You can find out what Kanban is in this unit in the "Study organization" module. In short, you use it to organize your to-do list in a visually appealing way and divide the group's tasks into "collection", "to do", "in progress" and "done" and move them to the appropriate column depending on their status. In the corresponding unit in the "Balancing" module, you will see how you can also use this technique on a whiteboard or with post-its on a wall to visualize your work and motivate yourself. You can see how you can use the University of Jena's Cloud deck for your group work in this tutorial. There you can also schedule tasks and assign them to your group members.
A Gantt chart can also help you to visualize your work process. You can find a template here (author: Maximilian Wopinski, published under a CC BY license on Oersi). Simply enter the steps, dates (with year!) and responsibilities (who should complete this step?) on the left and a chart will automatically be created on the right, showing you exactly which step should be completed by when. You can of course adapt the chart to your needs and add new lines. This is what it can look like:
We wish you a productive and pleasant collaboration!