Unit 2 - Research and organization

Research tools (of the ThULB)

How do I research in a target-oriented way?

For a targeted search, which follows the rough, initial overview (see learning unit on the question "Overview of literature"), you can use well-known external tools such as Google Scholar as well as many internal university services, especially the ThULB search.

We can give you the following tips for these:

You can find more tips directly at the ThULB (in German): https://www.thulb.uni-jena.de/recherchieren/-bestellen/thulb-suche-suchtipps

There are three ways to get the books you are looking for: You can get them from the library in the traditional way and borrow them, you can order them from the stacks, or you can find them as e-books or digital articles. To access digital resources from outside the university network, you need a VPN. Have a look at the corresponding course unit. PLACE LINK HERE.

Furthermore, we recommend visiting the individual subject information pages of your subject areas for subject-specific searches. There you will find information on subject-specific media research such as relevant databases, subject portals and e-journals. You can find further tips and sources on the ThULB homepage under "search/request" as well as on the individual subject information pages for the different subjects: https://www.thulb.uni-jena.de/en/services/fachinformationen 

Incidentally, the ThULB regularly offers training courses on library use. These consist of a tour of the desired library (humanities / natural sciences / law, economics, social sciences / medicine) as well as teaching the usage modalities and research strategies: https://www.thulb.uni-jena.de/en/thulb/veranstaltungen/training-courses-guided-tours .

If you are enrolled at another university, you can certainly find similar offers on your library's website.

With interlibrary loan, you can have books that are available in other university libraries delivered to the ThULB. To do so, search for your desired book on the page of the Common Union Catalogue (GVK), where all borrowable books can be found.

After you have set up an interlibrary loan account on the ThULB website, you can order the books directly on the GVK website. At the ThULB, all you need is your registration/student card, your URZ code and to set up an interlibrary loan account. You can then search for your media on the page of the Common Union Catalogue (GVK) and order them directly there. A fee of 1,50 EUR per item will be charged.

Please note that processing and sending an item via interlibrary loan can take some time. Please allow enough time for this! https://www.thulb.uni-jena.de/en/services/how-to-use-the-library/interlibrary-loan